

The Psychological Association of Alberta has developed a fact sheet for "Psychological Coping during a Pandemic" that we can as a tool with you our clients

Download the fact sheet 

The Psychological Association of Alberta also has a dedicated web page for global events, such as COVID-19, that is updated regularly as new resources are produced and new information is released. 

*If you can't access the fact sheet from the link above, it is also on the web page below.  

Visit the web page

Online Telehealth Option for psychological treatment to prevent spread of COVID-19 Via Video or Phone

This is available to anyone who is living in Alberta not just Edmonton.

We arrange fo your sessions to be completed online using a secure video psychological treatment platform called doxy.me.

At the time just prior to you appointment please log on using any device (computer, phone, tablet). Also please inform and confirm video appointments via email (noted below)


Our goals are to help everyone stay healthy and safe and for our clients to continue to receive uninterrupted psychological treatment.

Please use email lindseypsychology@gmail.com (or you can also call 403-800-7139 and leave a voicemail)to arrange for online psychological treatment or if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours truly Lindsey Helmer

Registered Psychologist

BSc Science Psychology

MSc Counselling Psychology

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